>>>III<<<   Pestilence!  Corona virus. 

What a terrible year!!! Sadness and worry about the continuing, sweeping fallout. Cessation of our comfortable status quo.

Time to stay at home, for focused work, introspection. Try to stop focusing on the news updates.

 This is my favourite Latvian group, Tautumeitas. They are singing a spring solstice song about nature whilst on corona virus lockdown. I find it calming and strengthening. 


>>>III<<<   Flood!

The flip from drought and raging fire to inundating rain and flood was so swift, it was hard to believe. I’m glad I had the privilege to witness such an extreme climactic reversal. Particularly, as it was such a fabulous relief!!

Ilze Svarcs After the Fire Comes the Flood


>>>III<<<   Dreadful start to 2020: Fire!

My little village on the south coast of NSW was not touched by the dreadful flames which burnt down so much of Australia around us. As I learnt of the devastation in neighbouring towns, and hosted evacuees at my place, I often thought “There but for the grace of God, and the luck of wind and geography, go I”. 

Much of January and February was spent checking the fire alerts, trying to fire proof the house, developing a range of go-bags, and at the worst times, watching the pink horizon. I even had a go bag for the cat. 

Weeks of worry and poor air quality is not conducive to artistic endeavour.